Thursday, March 6, 2025

Down to earth...Bays of bats, hell hounds on land..... A treacherous person, as in Ben secretly applied for the same job as his best friend; no one knew he was such a snake in the grass .

Hooker, I ain’t in the ‘helpin” business no more. I’m in the ‘fuck off while I smoke a joint’ business,and business about to pick way the fuck up. Bumps in the road, tricks and trades. Frogs and snakes in the dogwood trees.Good Times.

Down to earth...Bays of bats, hell hounds on land..... A treacherous person, as in Ben secretly applied for the same job as his best friend; no one knew he was such a snake in the grass .
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REGARDING THE TRANSFER OF THE AGREEMENT. Termination stands, there is no AGREEMENT,and there will be no AGREEMENT, to change termination, 5 years later.UNACCOUNTABLE.NO LOVE . Termination trades for transfers, to include a financial form, called a midterm.
Opposite Standards,Let The Music Play, Dances On Time.Texas Roadhouse .
Down to earth...Bays of bats, hell hounds on land..... A treacherous person, as in Ben secretly applied for the same job as his best friend; no one knew he was such a snake in the grass .

You Dont Have The Votes GIF

Spruce Power, Assholes On The Roof: A treacherous person, as in Ben secretly applied for the same job as his best friend; no one knew he was such a snake in the grass

Down to earth...Bays of bats, hell hounds on land..... A treacherous person, as in Ben secretly applied for the same job as his best friend; no one knew he was such a snake in the grass .

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